Would you buy Charvet, L’Uniform, Charlotte Chesnais on Amazon?
We have been debating the ‘can Amazon work as a luxury retailer’ question for almost as long as the ecom behemoth has been around. Funny really, because that’s about the the same length of time as Net-a-Porter and we now don’t question the idea of buying say, a £113,000 Cartier watch online. And yet Amazon has struggled with its high fashion offer despite numerous iterations.
Could things be changing?
The latest attempt is Amazon Luxury Stores*, an in-app experience (U.S only) that recently offered two mini edits by former Colette retail whisperer Sarah Andelman. The ‘pop-up’ edits included products from L’Uniform (above), Charvet, La Bouche Rouge and Charlotte Chesnais. As the Amazon Luxury Stores concept is U.S-only, I can’t try it out, so I’m not sure if the pop-ups are still active. (Let me know if you’ve tried them!)
Without a physical experience, I think the success hinges on the product and presentation, plus the level of customer service. For me, the product choice is half way there, and that’s down to the clout of Andelman. Who else would be able to persuade such a luxury legend as Charvet to sell its coveted pocket squares on Amazon?
For me it’s the first time I’ve paid attention to Amazon as a luxury destination. Maybe this time could be the one…
WORDS: Disneyrollergirl
IMAGE: L’Uniform X Amazon Luxury Stores
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